7 reasons not to jailbreak iPhone or iPad

Jailbreaking is always a hotly contested topic for those who use Apple's smartphone or tablet, as while it offers numerous benefits, it can also bring many negative things to your device. While many users love the procedure that gives them more freedom, others are still afraid to risk it.

We have already listed the 15 reasons why you should consider jailbreaking your device, but since not everything in this method is wonderful, you need to warn about potential issues as well. So be sure to check out our list of 7 reasons not to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad.

What did you think of this list of reasons not to jailbreak?

Did you like our reasons not to jailbreak your iPhone and iPad? So leave your comment telling us if you think it is worth doing the procedure on your device or if it is better to stick with the original iOS.

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