7 reasons not to use wireless charging on Android

Wireless charger technology has now become extremely popular and most smartphone manufacturers have been implementing this feature natively on their handsets. Although it seems a bit more advanced than the old corded charger, this type of technology is not yet so well developed and presents far more problems than advantages. If you want to know the top reasons to avoid wireless charging on Android, just check out our list below!

1. More expensive

It is customary for any company to put a standard charger with the smartphone in its packaging, meaning that this is virtually free for the consumer. Even if you need to buy a replacement charger, wired models are often pretty cheap and efficient.

If you want to use a wireless charger, you will have to do a good search to find one of a good quality brand that is compatible with your smartphone. The problem is that even models of unfamiliar brands are often very expensive, which makes technology quite unfeasible for many people.

2. Lack of compatibility

As we mentioned in the topic above, before buying a wireless charger for your smartphone, be careful to check for compatibility between devices. The problem is that many Android smartphones are not yet compatible with this type of charge, something not all charger companies will mention if they really want to sell the product to you.

Other than that, using any wireless charger can be detrimental to your smartphone, so research carefully before buying any models.

3. It takes longer

In this respect, there is nothing to discuss. Wired charging will always be faster, even by supplying power directly through the cable to the smartphone. With a wireless charger, the phone is gradually getting charged and can take up to three times longer than with the cord.

Several tests have already been done and even recent research has shown that a Galaxy S7 takes about 1 hour and 48 minutes to fully charge with a wired charger, while wireless takes just over 3 hours to achieve the same result.

4. Warms up the smartphone

You may have noticed that today's smartphones tend to heat up a little while charging, especially if you're using it at the same time. The problem is that this is something much more pronounced with wireless charging.

As you might imagine, excessive heat is not something that benefits your phone, much less your battery, which tends to get more worn out over time.

5. Not long distance

When thinking about wireless services, we imagine that you can enjoy everything from a greater distance and without relying on cables. Unfortunately, this is not exactly how wireless charging works, as the smartphone needs to be practically stuck to the base all the time.

There are even ways of charging at a distance, but besides being less efficient and more expensive, this technology proved a bit dangerous because of the waves it plays in the air.

6. Spends more energy

Another fact that cannot be ignored is that wireless chargers use far more power than normal chargers. This is quite simple to understand even as it mainly relates to what we mentioned about wireless chargers taking up to three times longer to fully charge a smartphone.

If you prefer something more economical, fast and efficient for your device, there are not many reasons to use this type of chargers.

7. Poor Quality Models

Finally, there is a problem that hits any type of charger, but it has proved even worse with wireless ones. Because good-quality models are often very expensive, there are a number of malicious companies that make chargers simple and inexpensive to attract consumers.

The problem is that there is far less care in making these models and testing is rarely done to see if everything works as it should. As Galaxy Note 7's own recent problems have shown us, battery and chargers are very serious things that could eventually explode. So avoid any cheap brand you find out there.

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