Free Ebook: How To Start Your Application Building Business

Even for those who are more knowledgeable about the world of mobile apps, starting a business selling apps can be a bit tricky. Today, we will clarify the questions related to this process and list some tasks that you must work on before entering this industry.

The first question you might be asking yourself is: “ How to build apps without knowing how to program and make it a business? “. This is quite easy, on platforms like GoodBarber you can easily start building your apps and scaling your business, especially if you're part of the reseller program, which lets you build as many apps as you want.

Then you have to ask yourself about your business model, will you set up an agency or be an independent professional? This is an important decision, as your way of operating in the market will also be based on this choice. There is no right or wrong to this issue, however, creating a digital agency can give more confidence to potential customers as they will be dealing from business to business.

Once you have decided your approach, it is also important to understand who your target customers are, what industry you will focus your efforts on, and how you will prospect. This is also a key to your success, understanding who your ideal audience is will make the selling process much more fluid. Plus, working in a more knowledgeable area will make customer interactions easier - you can use the surprise effect and go to your meeting with a pre-finalized app, so the customer will see the potential of app and it will be easier to close the deal.

Addressing more practical issues, you need to prepare some aspects of your business before you can start your business. This checklist will help you get organized:

Name & Branding

If you are going to act as an agency, you are likely to want to give the business a name that refers to its dedicated services to whom you are positioning yourself. So invest the time needed to design this one of the key elements of your brand, and it will be linked to your business throughout its life. Once you have set the name, you can move on to creative branding, such as logo, business card, etc. It's important that these creations also convey the “soul” of your business, so you will connect more easily as your target audience.


Having an organized area on your website or catalog where potential customers can access and check on their previous work is vital during the sales process. So that they can reference your skills and what you'll add to their business, list their top projects and include images and data that show all the benefits an app can bring to them.

Another great way to pass on reliability to your business is to have your previous customers write short testimonials. Display them on the same portfolio page on your site and let the people who used your services and applications be advocates for the quality of your work.

Of course, we don't even need to warn you about this but make sure you don't include false testimonials and confirm with your customers that they can be directly mentioned. This tip is especially useful when big-name companies use their services, which helps add value to their own brand and build the trust of their target audience.

Developer Accounts

This is the most bureaucratic point you need to fulfill before entering the app selling market. Developer accounts are independent for each store and each store has a differentiated value, App Store, $ 100 / year, and Google Play, $ 25. You don't necessarily have to buy both at the same time, but by doing so you can offer your customers more choice by publishing on both platforms and giving your users more options.

If you're unsure on which platform to publish your first app to, we recommend choosing Android first, because it is the operating system that has the most users today - especially considering that Apple devices are more premium - from this, you can sample your app's performance well and then port it to iOS as well.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each of the platforms, after all, we cannot fail to mention that the App Store is considered to be more refined for apps, even because of its high price compared to Google Play. Even so, if you're sure your audience is there, don't hesitate and finally consider investing in both.

Customer Management System

A customer management system is a great tool for tracking your negotiations and ensuring that you are giving all your contacts a great customer service experience. There are several free tools for this type of activity, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

These are some instructions to get you ready to enter the app selling market. For more information and tips, download the free eBook Agency Guide:

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