How to get the first thousand followers on Instagram

If you are starting to learn about social networking, you may have noticed that Instagram has become the darling of users. But the task of making money on Instagram may seem impossible to anyone who hasn't even created a business profile and built a following. But learning how to get the first thousand followers on Instagram is not as complex a task as it sounds.

But why a thousand followers?

Because this is the minimum number to start being considered a micro influencer on the platform.

What does that mean?

It means you can start signing up for platforms for digital influencers, for example. But that's not the only way to maintain a business on Instagram through a profile with a thousand followers.

Other options include selling physical or digital products - primarily through Instagram Shopping - or selling services, among other options.

Now that you know some business options you might have on the social network, it's time to learn how to get the first 1, 000 followers on Instagram!

How to optimize your profile for more followers

The first actions to learn how to get the first 1, 000 followers on Instagram happen before you even create your profile.

But if you already have an account, no problem. If so, these first steps will be helpful in redefining the purpose and strategies for reaching this number of followers before you start working hard on the content.

Step One: Who Will Your Profile Meet?

It's no use just creating a profile and posting random content. This may even be a way of getting the first thousand followers on Instagram, but these followers won't be very useful.

First of all, focus is needed. There is no point in having a thousand random followers who will not interact or be interested in your content.

To make money on Instagram, it's not enough just to have expressive numbers. A thousand engaged and interested followers are worth more in the long run than 10, 000 followers who don't give a damn what they post. This is also a major reason not to buy fake Instagram followers.

So answer the question: who will my profile meet?

Answering this question is important, as the answer will guide all your actions and decisions going forward.

Looking to sell fashion on Instagram or produce fashion content? So a likely answer will be "people looking for fashion tips and how to put together a beautiful look ".

If your chosen path is Instagram influencer, another answer might be "companies that sell fashion and are looking for ways to promote their products."

It is worth mentioning that the answers are not excluded, that is, you can - and probably! - will have more than one answer. But keep in mind the focus: Over opening the number of answers can end up causing confusion.

So at first limit yourself to giving up to three answers.

Step Two: Create an Optimized Profile

Few people know, but your Instagram profile description can also be used strategically to gain Instagram followers.

So you need to know how to create an aggregator profile that will entice the user to click the follow button.

To do this, you must follow a few steps:

1. Username : Don't get creative here. If you are your brand, your username should be as similar to your name as possible. If it's a brand, use your company name.

Why that? The answer is very simple: to be found in Instagram searches. If your name is Luciano Larrossa and your username is tennis player123, you will make life difficult for those looking for you on the platform.

2. Website: Instagram is very limited regarding link disclosure. Therefore, link to your site. If you want to create unique content on Instagram, you can use this area for users to subscribe to an email marketing list or a WhatsApp list.

3. Biography : This is where you should disclose the purpose of your profile. Avoid self descriptions if your intention is to start a business and learn how to get the first thousand followers on Instagram.

In fact, show who is visiting your profile how you can help them. To improve your search appearance, enter a central hashtag for your niche in this area. See some phrase suggestions for Instagram bio.

Tip: See in more detail how to create a great Instagram biography!

Step Three: Creating Content

Most of the legwork is in the third and fourth steps. This is where you will start creating your first Instagram content.

A great advantage of social networking is that it can create the most diverse types of content. At the same time, it may seem confusing to know which ones are best for your audience.

The solution to this is called: test! Jot down your Instagram post ideas and start working on them one by one. After that, access your Instagram metrics and compare the numbers for each post you made. That way you'll know which types of posts attract new followers and which ones don't work that well.

But it's not just the kind of content that will make you successful on Instagram. Some details in content production are also needed to attract more followers.

The first detail is the hashtags. It may seem fad at first glance, but Instagram searches are driven by terms followed by the iconic "Tic Tac Toe". That is, if you create a post and don't include Instagram hashtags in them, your content will appear less in platform searches.

On the other hand, it's not enough to just pick the most famous hashtags and stick to it. The most popular terms are also the most popular, which reduces your chance of being prioritized in searches, especially at this early stage.

That's why it's important to research the best hashtag combinations for your segment.

Tip: Use note-taking apps so you don't have to type hashtags every time you create a new post!

Step Three 2.0: Meet the Top Posts Tool

Got no ideas for posting on Instagram? Then consider using this tool to discover Top Posts from competing profiles in Insta!

Using it is quite easy: create your account, link your Insta profile, and search for profiles that also fit your niche. Top Posts will return you with the 15 posts that received the most likes and comments on social media.

But nothing to copy! The goal here is to analyze what made these posts a success - such as the caption and type of photo or video published - and replicate in their own original content.

Are you curious? So click on the link right now to start using Instagram's Top Posts tool!

Step Three 3.0: Instagram Stories and Lives

Still talking about content, be sure to produce for Instagram Stories too. While lacking the reach to reach new followers like the feed post, it is essential to improving your profile engagement and key if you want to learn how to get the first 1, 000 followers on Instagram.

After all, in addition to the feed, you'll also be in your followers' Stories bar. There is no minimum or maximum limit to the number of Stories you should make daily, but we recommend that you publish Stories every day.

Consistency is the main tip for those learning how to get their first 1, 000 Instagram followers.

To encourage your followers to interact with your stories, be sure to learn how to poll on Instagram and how to ask questions in the stories!

In addition to the Stories, don't forget the live streams.

It is currently the most far-reaching format on both Instagram and Facebook. This is why it is so important that you start doing it now.

More important than that is consistency. As humans have a habit of creating habits, if you have an organized schedule for broadcasts, gradually your followers will get used to and also organize to watch your Instagram lives.

Tip: Learn how to broadcast live on Instagram here on AppTuts!

Step Four: Interact!

Social networks are not radio or TV.

Their purpose is precisely interaction, so mastering how to get the first 1, 000 followers on Instagram is not just about producing content and waiting for people to identify with your brand.

Your first interaction task is to invite all your friends and contacts from other social media to Instagram before you even start producing content. They will be your first Instagram followers.

Then search for hashtags from your segment and interact with them in an authentic way. This will give you more visibility and may get new followers who are also interested in your content.

Tip: Learn more about Instagram by following the top 8 Instagram experts in Brazil and Portugal!

Missing time to interact on Instagram?

The last step of the tutorial may not be the longest, but it certainly takes some time and dedication.

If you have a budget set to invest in gaining more Instagram followers, Managegram may be the right tool to boost your Instagram!

Through automatic interactions, you can configure hashtags, competitor profiles, and the location of posts - ideal for local businesses. Then the Managergram will like and follow the posts according to these settings.

As Instagram notifies the user every time they receive a new follower, their chances of increasing their actual follower base will increase their time and devote more time to learning how to get their first 1, 000 followers on Instagram!

But this is not the only tool of Managegram.

In addition, it also lets you set up automatic messages to receive your new followers, features reports to track your profile growth, and lets you schedule Instagram posts.

That way, you don't have to set alarms on your phone every time you have to post a post.

Best of all, you'll be able to try out the Managegram for yourself for 5 FREE days!

So click on the link and start chasing the goal of 1, 000 Instagram followers now!

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