How to prevent them from tagging your Facebook fanpage

Having trouble managing the photos on your page or have you received messages from people unsatisfied with having your photos appear on your Facebook page? This could be due to bookmarks made by other people on social networks. While tagging is a good way to expand your follower base, you may want to block this if you are causing more problems than solutions. Check out the steps below to learn how to prevent them from tagging your Facebook fanpage:

Access your page settings

Once you have entered your fanpage, click the settings button located at the top right of the screen, as in the screenshot above.

Find the option “Other people bookmarking this page”

In the General menu itself, click the "Edit" button of the Other People option by checking this page.

Uncheck Permission

After clicking "Edit", uncheck the box that will appear and confirm by clicking the Save Changes button. This will allow no other Facebook fanpage or person to bookmark your page. To reverse the process, just follow the same steps as above, checking the box and then saving changes.

Read too:

Could you prevent them from tagging your fanpage?

Through this tutorial, we believe you no longer have to worry about other people maliciously tagging your Facebook page. However, it is worth remembering that, in situations that promote partnerships with other pages, the ideal is to allow access again, so that your fanpage can be marked in the publication of the partner and thus attract more likes on the page.

Was our tutorial helpful? Do you have any recommendations for fanpage management on Facebook? Comment with us below and be sure to follow AppTuts on Facebook!

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