How to rename Facebook page

For those who have had a Facebook fanpage for a long time, it is possible that that page no longer contemplates your business, but also would not want to lose its followers. In this case - especially useful when you continue to work in the same business but under a different brand - the ideal is simply to rename the Facebook page. In this simple walkthrough, we teach you how you can make this change. So be sure to check out the tutorial below and tell us if it worked smoothly!

Tip: If you have already created a second page and would like to merge them, check out this tutorial on how to merge your fanpages!

How to rename Facebook page

1 - Access the About section of your fanpage;

2 - Click Edit Page Info ;

3 - In the window that will open, change the Name field to make the change, confirming the Save Changes button;

4 - Before confirmation, be sure to read the notice below the Name field. He informs that the change is not currently applied and will be evaluated by Facebook, which will check if the name continues to follow social network guidelines. Click Page Names Guidelines to learn specifically about these special rules.

If you have any questions in the process, check out this video below, which also explains how to rename your Facebook page:

See too:

Could you change the name of your fanpage?

The process of renaming the page is quite simple and quick, taking a few minutes to complete the request. The only setback is the wait time as the change does not happen immediately after pressing the save changes button. Did Facebook approve the change of your fanpage name? Got any questions in the process? Comment with us below!

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