15 helpful tips to make your iPad battery last longer

Even today, the iPad is certainly one of the most popular tablets ever created and is always getting new, more powerful or affordable versions. Of course, even with so many upgrades and improvements, there are still a number of issues with iPad, including those related to its battery. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to get around this, as you can see in our article below!

1. Turn off Wi-Fi

Although a difficult task for most people who use a tablet, this habit is necessary when saving the battery of the device. The problem is that wifi ends up using a lot of features all the time when it's active, something that easily wears out your battery.

Our tip is simple: Turn off the feature at times when you are busy and stop checking social notifications only at certain times.

2. Turn off GPS

GPS can be even worse than Wi-Fi on occasion and one of the worst enemies of your device's battery. Also, there is no good reason to leave it active if you are not using it to get somewhere, for example.

Simply leave the feature off whenever possible, which will guarantee an extra hour or two of charge on your iPad.

3. Turn off Bluetooth

Gone are the days when Bluetooth was really useful for file transfer, and it is currently mostly used by those who have wireless accessories (such as headsets). The biggest problem is that many people forget to turn it off when not in use, which results in unnecessary battery loss.

Do the same as indicated with Wi-Fi and GPS and turn off your Bluetooth whenever you are not using it. It is these small actions that save the most battery in everyday life.

4. Save 3G

Like Wi-Fi, 3G also uses a lot of battery when enabled and should only be used when needed. Of course, not all Apple tablets have this feature, but if that's the case, it's good to have a sense of how to save it.

Considering that most people have limited mobile internet plans, this tip also helps you save your data plan.

5. Decrease brightness

The brightness of your iPad screen is purely for you to see better in a variety of environments. In places with artificial light or dimly lit, it is possible to use a low level of brightness, while in places with very bright natural light it is necessary to increase the level.

So pay attention to the places you use the device and always remember to adjust the brightness of the device consistently. The screen of your device is the most battery-consuming factor, so there's no reason to make the situation worse with a very high brightness.

6. Enable battery percentage

By default, we always see the battery icon on the top of the iPad screen, but in recent updates Apple has included the possibility of seeing the charge percentage as well. This makes it easier to manage the battery during the day, as you can tell when you need to save a little more or if the charge is depleting too quickly.

If the percentage is not already enabled, you can do so by going to "Settings", clicking "Battery" and enabling the "Battery Level" feature.

7. See how the battery wears out

In the same options tab as the previous tip, you will also find some important information about how your battery is being used throughout the day. Under “Battery Usage, ” you can exactly match the amount of battery used by each app in the last day or week.

As we mentioned above, just go to "Settings" and click "Battery" to access this more detailed information. This makes it much easier to analyze how you can optimize the performance of your tablet and which apps to avoid a little to save the load.

8. Avoid widgets

Widgets are beautiful, functional and give your tablet a nice look, but it's no use putting a lot of them on your home screen if it will drain your battery quickly. Because they are constantly consuming resources and using visual effects, there is no way to use them efficiently all the time.

Our tip is that you use one or two widgets that you really find useful, such as calendar or weather.

9. Turn on power save mode

Apple knows that the battery of its mobile devices is not perfect and may not meet the needs of all its consumers. So that's fairer than creating a special battery-saver mode for iPads, isn't it ?!

You can activate this mode when you realize that the load will not last long enough or simply when you want to save a little. To do this, just go to “Settings”, click on the “Battery” tab and select the “Low Power Mode” button.

10. Avoid heavy apps

Most people know that using heavy applications for a long time uses a lot of battery power, but they do it anyway. It's okay if you have the ability to charge your iPad, but if you're away from home or your a charger, it's easy to lose track and end up running out of charge.

In such situations, give preference to apps you really need to use or use the heavier ones for short periods of time. Keeping an eye on the percentage of the load also helps in these cases.

11. Avoid playing too long

The above tip also applies to mobile games, which tend to be very heavy and resource intensive all the time on your iPad. Stop playing when you're sure you can charge your iPad battery later or play much simpler games if you're bored.

12. Avoid streaming videos

Streaming videos are always a good way to pass the time, but they are also true drumming villains. In addition to constantly using your iPad's screen and audio, these types of services need to be constantly connected to the internet.

These three factors combined drain your battery in a very short time, something you may have already noticed while watching your videos. Therefore, leave this activity for when you can recharge your charge when needed.

13. Avoid Streaming Music

The same goes for streaming music, which while not as heavy as video, still consumes a lot of battery power. It's okay to listen to your favorite music on the way to work or school, but avoid doing it for hours if you want to save the load.

14. Do not charge for short periods

It is common for people to charge the iPad battery for short periods of time just to ensure a little battery when they are in a hurry, but this is not a very healthy habit for your device.

In the long run this can be detrimental to the battery life of the handset, which can make it harder to get the battery to last during a normal day of use.

15. Let the screen face down

It may sound silly, but just turning your iPad screen down can help you a lot when it comes to battery drain. This is mainly because most modern mobile devices have special features that recognize when there is no light in the room.

Most modern iPad models are capable of this as well, and this halves the use of their resources to save energy in these specific cases. As it will be face down, it will be equivalent to a place without light, so you can gain a good few extra hours if you always do so.

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