How to disable Windows 10 Broker

While the feature is useful on many occasions, there is no doubt that auto-corrector can also be quite annoying most of the time, especially when you correct your words the wrong way. In addition to mobile devices, this feature is also present in Windows 10 today, much to the chagrin of many users. Fortunately, you can easily disable Windows 10 broker, as you see in our tutorial below!

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Turning Off Windows 10 Broker

First of all, it is good to remember that the windows broker is there to help you and if you want you can activate it again later. To get started, simply open the Start menu and click the "Settings" option.

In the new window that will open, you must select the "Devices" option to proceed.

Then choose the "Typing" tab to see some options related to the subject. If you have a touch screen device, there are some additional features.

Either way, it's the two options above that matter the most. Clicking the “Automatically correct misspelled words” option will disable the corrector and clicking “Highlight misspelled words” will disable the function that underlines words with any possible errors.

Overall, this feature can be very useful for someone who writes on your computer often, but it's okay to disable it.

As we said before, you can reverse the process if you want the Windows broker back. Just go back to this same typing menu and reactivate the first option.

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