5 Bad iPhone Habits We Must Eliminate

It is natural that over time, a smartphone or tablet user creates various habits regarding the use of their devices. While some help us with day-to-day use of these devices, others simply make no sense and even get in the way.

This is especially true of iPhone owners, who have become so accustomed to the system that they don't even realize its most common crazes. Because these bad iPhone habits are extremely similar among its users overall, we've put together a short list of all the unnecessary stuff we usually do with our Apple smartphones. Check out!

Read also: 15 iPhone Tricks and Secrets

1. Do not use security password to unlock

Nowadays it is virtually incomprehensible to have a smartphone that is not protected by some kind of security password. The process is very simple and the user only has to gain from it, but there are still a lot of people who are content with just the old "Slide to unlock".

The big problem is that in these cases, anyone can simply unlock their iPhone and check all their information, including personal photos, their emails and messages (which may have their address and confidential information), their social networks, shopping apps with credit card information and even detailed routes where you go every day.

If you don't have a password yet or don't have one of the newer iPhone models with the fingerprint sensor, go now to your settings and enable the "Simple Password" option.

2. Search for apps in folders

It's almost impossible to find an iPhone user who hasn't created a bunch of folders to organize their apps, after all, the feature itself is very useful and helps us keep certain categories of apps more organized for when we need them.

The problem is, we make a habit of always looking for what we want in these blessed folders, and they can be packed with apps we don't really need or use, something that only gets in our way when we're in a hurry. What's worse is that we do this while we have a super simple search engine right there in our grasp.

So instead of getting annoyed that you can't find the app you need in that folder you were sure it was, just type its name into the search field and iPhone will do the rest of the work for you in less than a second.

3. Allow many apps to send notifications

Notifications are usually pretty cool and useful things in our daily lives, but as we have talked about even recently in an article for Android users, they can also annoy and annoy us in certain cases. In the case of iPhone, the problem is that we always let multiple apps send us notifications, even if they're completely useless.

You get notifications from social networks, about weather, about news you won't read, about games, about stores on sale - everything! In addition to being annoying, it also fills our screen and even prevents us from seeing the notifications that really matter.

If you also suffer from this, it is very easy to solve: just go to your settings and select the "Notifications" option. There you will be able to adjust which apps and when they may or may not send you notifications, so you will only receive news of what you really want.

Also read: 5 iPhone apps that help you plan your day

4. Email yourself as reminders

Sending emails from iPhone is very easy. So easy that most of us make a habit of using this feature to send reminders to ourselves all the time. The only problem is that this is not at all efficient and these reminders are often lost between emails we actually receive from others or we simply forget them.

We know this is still the fastest and simplest way to write a note or reminder, but with so many apps designed especially for this function (and that remind us of what we wrote anytime we wanted), there's no real sense in continuing like this.

With a note app that comes on the iPhone and so many others on the App Store, it's time to retire the emails we send ourselves. If you want to choose the best organization app for your iPhone, the best thing to do is to read this article.

5. Dismiss background apps

No matter what the system, we all already have an idea in mind: Background apps use up smartphone resources and drain the battery. This was true in the past, but operating systems are much smarter today, including iOS on your iPhone.

Now when an app is minimized, iPhone simply stops paying attention to it, unless it's a voice chat app, an audio recorder, or an app using your GPS, for example. Other than that, apps that remain in the background are completely stopped just the way you left it, making it easier to resume your activities later.

After iOS 7 was introduced on Apple devices, it was even easier to dismiss applications with just an upward movement (similar to what Android had long ago).

This has obviously helped us create this unnecessary habit of removing minimized applications for no reason. So be aware that unless your app has stopped working or if you really won't be using it for a while, there is no benefit to closing them.

Did you identify with any of the bad habits of the iPhone?

So, do you also have any of these bad iPhone habits with your device? It is very common for smartphone users to do these things with their devices, tell us in the comments if we can help you identify something that could end up being a problem.

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